About Butterfly Neuro Physio
Butterfly Neuro Physio is run by Emma a Chartered Physiotherapist with over 10 years experience in rehab. She is dedicated to delivering high quality, clinically effective Specialist Neurological Physiotherapy & Pilates to clients online.
Online therapy allows clients across the UK to enhance their rehab with high quality advice and personalised exercise programmes. ​
Our services can help address a range of problems associated with neurological conditions including:​
Reduced Balance and coordination
Reduced arm and hand function
Muscle Weakness
Pelvic Floor weakness
Muscle Imbalances
Posture Concerns
Stiffness & Spasticity
Neuropathic Pain
Fatigue management
Enhance your rehabilitation journey today, click below to book your first appointment

Emma Kirkbright MCSP
Chartered Neurological Physiotherapist
HCPC Registered UK